This paper discusses the spatial and seasonal distribution character of dissolved and paniculate trace metals in the anoxic seawater of Saanich Inlet, B.C., Canada. The study showed that concentration of dissolved and paniculate trace metals in anoxic seawater is closely related to (1) the concentration of H2S and the depth of the O2-H2S interface, (2) the exchange of seawater in Saanich Inlet with outside seawater, (3) biotic action, and (4) the flushing event. The study was based in part on the ratio between trace metals and nutrients. There was a steep change in the concentration of dissolved trace metals at the O2-H2S interface. The concentration of dissolved trace metals in the H2S-controlled zone was dependent on the H2S there. The suspended matter in Saanich Inlet comes from the Hero Strait seawater, phytoplankton production and resuspension of flushed-up sediments. The concentration of particulate trace metals was rather low in Saanich Inlet and tended to increase with depth. The total
This paper discusses the spatial and seasonal distribution character of dissolved and paniculate trace metals in the anoxic seawater of Saanich Inlet, B.C., Canada. The study showed that concentration of dissolved and paniculate trace metals in anoxic seawater is closely related to (1) the concentration of H2S and the depth of the O2-H2S interface, (2) the exchange of seawater in Saanich Inlet with outside seawater, (3) biotic action, and (4) the flushing event. The study was based in part on the ratio between trace metals and nutrients. There was a steep change in the concentration of dissolved trace metals at the O2-H2S interface. The concentration of dissolved trace metals in the H2S-controlled zone was dependent on the H2S there. The suspended matter in Saanich Inlet comes from the Hero Strait seawater, phytoplankton production and resuspension of flushed-up sediments. The concentration of particulate trace metals was rather low in Saanich Inlet and tended to increase with depth. The total concentration of trace metals declined with depth. The formation of metal-sulphide plays a more important role than biotic action in the transformation of dissolved trace metals into particulate state.