韭菜(Allium tuberosum Rottler)是以营养体叶片为商品,具有较强的分蘖能力,可以用分株方法繁殖的多年生蔬菜。我国有众多韭菜地方品种和新育成的品种,如能在韭菜品种中找到雄性不育株,以组培快繁技术建立雄性不育系的无性系,其后再利用田间分株繁殖与组培快繁并进的方法扩大不育系群体,加之韭菜又可以在良好的栽培条件下生长20年至30年,使利用雄性不育系的无性系生产一代杂交种具有实用意义。
The Chinese leek (Allium tuberosum Rottler), a perennial vegetable
with leaves as edible part, has a relatively high tillering ability. Plants
without pollens in anthers were found in its cultivars. Tests showeb that
those plants with male sterility and female fertility are desirable materials
to be used as female parents in producing hybrids. Preliminary results have
been obtained in propagation of those male sterile plants so as to establish
their clones. By tissue culture for 5 months, 18 plants were propagateb
from 1 plant, and the propagated planes grew normally after removeb to soils
from culture medium. Hybrid seeds were probuced using those male sterile
plant lines.
Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture