
用于X射线光刻对准的图像边缘增强技术 被引量:4

Image edge-enhanced technique for X-ray lithography alignment
摘要 提出了用于提高X射线光刻对准系统自动对准效率和对准精度的图像边缘增强技术,并进行了数值分析。采用先单个再整体的分析方法,通过三种不同的图像边缘增强技术,即索贝尔(SOBEL)算子、拉普拉斯(LAPLAC)算子以及卷积等方法对CCD系统采集的对准标记图像进行处理,得到了每个方法相对应的处理结果,并对于处理结果进行了比较分析。分析比较得出:采用卷积和LAPLAC算子相结合的方法,即先卷积,再利用7个算子的LAPLAC方法进行处理,可以将对准系统的自动对准效率提高约50%,使得自动对准时间由原来的20min缩短到10min左右;系统对准精度的方差可由0.10μm提高至0.08μm。 The image edge-enhanced technique was proposed to improve the automatic aligning efficiency and aligning accuracy in the X-ray lithography aligning system, and the numerical analysis was given. After analyzing individuals, and the whole view of the image edge-enhanced techniques was given, the novel method were presented. The image obtained from the CCD image system is processed with three image edge-enhanced methods, which are SOBEL operator, LAPLAC operator and convolution. Then the processed results of the novel methods were compared with each other. The conclusion is that the best method is LAPLAC operator and convolution work together, first convolution, then using LAPLAC operator. With this method automatic aligning efficiency can be improved by about 50% in aligning system. Comparing with 20 minutes for the original method, the automatic aligning time only needs 10 minutes or so with novel method, and the aligning accuracy can be improved from 0.10 microns to 0.08 microns.
出处 《光学精密工程》 EI CAS CSCD 2004年第4期426-431,共6页 Optics and Precision Engineering
关键词 X射线光刻 对准系统 拉普拉斯算法 索贝尔算法 XRL alignment system LAPLAC operator SOBEL operator
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