The image edge-enhanced technique was proposed to improve the automatic aligning efficiency and aligning accuracy in the X-ray lithography aligning system, and the numerical analysis was given. After analyzing individuals, and the whole view of the image edge-enhanced techniques was given, the novel method were presented. The image obtained from the CCD image system is processed with three image edge-enhanced methods, which are SOBEL operator, LAPLAC operator and convolution. Then the processed results of the novel methods were compared with each other. The conclusion is that the best method is LAPLAC operator and convolution work together, first convolution, then using LAPLAC operator. With this method automatic aligning efficiency can be improved by about 50% in aligning system. Comparing with 20 minutes for the original method, the automatic aligning time only needs 10 minutes or so with novel method, and the aligning accuracy can be improved from 0.10 microns to 0.08 microns.
Optics and Precision Engineering