目的 研究工业噪声作业工人血浆热应激蛋白 70 (HSP70 )抗体水平是否与噪声暴露剂量有关。方法 用横断面流行病学方法 ,选取 43 8名噪声作业工人进行调查 ;用Westernblot免疫印迹法测定其血浆HSP70抗体滴度 ;用累积噪声暴露量 (CNE)评价工人实际噪声暴露。结果 作业环境等效连续A声级为 ( 83 2 0± 7 99)dB(A) ,CNE为 ( 91 5 0±8 5 0 )dB(A)·年 ,HSP70抗体阳性检出率为 19 4% ,按CNE进行分层分析 ,HSP70阳性检出率与CNE间存在剂量—反应关系。为排除年龄、性别、吸烟等混杂因素 ,进一步进行Logistic回归分析 ,模型显示 :累积噪声暴露量与HSP70抗体阳性显著相关OR =1 0 2 7(P =0 0 3 1)。结论 累积噪声暴露量是引起HSP70抗体阳性的主要危险因素。HSP70抗体阳性率可反映噪声实际暴露水平。
Objective To explore the relationship between the industrial noise exposure level and heat stress protein70(HSP70) antibody. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in 438 workers exposed industrial noise for one year or more. Cumulative noise exposure (CNE) were used to represent the actual exposure level of the workers. Plasma antibody against HSP70 was determined with Western blotting technique. Results LAeq in the workshop was (83.20±7.99)dB(A). CNE was( 91.50±8.50)dB(A)year. Incidence of plasma positive antibody to HSP70 was 19.4%. In strata analysis by CNE, a typical dose-response relationship was observed between the incidience of plasma positive antibody to HSP70 and CNE, The logistic regression model showed that CNE was the risk factor for HSP70 antibody after adjusted by age, sex, smoking history. Conclusion HSP70 antibody can be used to reflect the level of their noise exposure.
China Occupational Medicine
湖北省科技攻关计划 (2 0 0 3AA30 1C1 0 7)