为保障食品安全 ,“食品工业用菌安全性检测与评价技术的研究”课题被列为国家“十五”国家科技攻关计划“食品安全关键技术”资助课题。主要研究内容为食品工业用菌菌种毒力检测技术的研究 ;产毒和非产毒食品工业用菌菌种的鉴别研究 ;桔青霉素检测技术的建立和红曲霉产毒菌株的筛选研究 ;可安全使用的工业用菌菌种名单和食品工业用菌安全评价指导原则的研究。通过研究建立了红曲制品及红曲培养物中桔青霉素的定量检测技术。建立了鉴别食品工业常用菌株黑曲霉和赭曲霉毒素A的产毒菌株炭黑曲霉 ,米曲霉、黄曲霉毒素产毒菌株黄曲霉、寄生曲霉和集蜂曲霉的微生物学和生态学检测方法 ,在种间、种内水平甄别产毒与非产毒菌株。综合微生物学、毒理学、分析化学等研究结果 ,提出了可安全使用的食品工业用菌菌种名单报送国家食品安全控制部门 ,包括常用的具有悠久使用历史的食品发酵、生产食品添加剂和保健食品等食品加工和直接食用的真菌菌种 (2 2种酵母和 11种真菌 )以及可用于保健食品生产的益生菌菌种名单 (9种细菌、11种真菌和酵母 )。该课题具有极大的社会意义与经济意义。
The project entitled “Development of determination and evaluation system for fungi used in food processing industry” was included in ten-fifth key technologies R and D programs financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology,with the aim of ensuring the safety of food derived from microorganisms. Study on the pathogenicity of fungi,identification of toxigenic and non-toxigenic fungi applied in food industry,methodology development for citrinin detection in Monascus materials and the screening of toxigenic Monascus strains,a list of microorganisms safely used in food production as well as the guidelines for their safety evaluation were involved. The results indicated that citrinin recoveries of the developed method from triplicate samples ranged from 87% to 104%. The detection limit and relative standard deviation for citrinin were 50 μg/L and less than 10%,respectively. Techniques based on the morphological characteristics to differentiate Aspergillus niger from A. carbonarius,A. oryzea from both A. flavus and A. parasiticus on a species-by-species basis were developed. Twenty-two yeasts,11 fungi and 9 bacteria safely utilized in the production of fermented foods,food additives and health meals were chosen and comprised in the list of microorganisms for food production. The conduct of this project is of important social and economical significance.
Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene
国家科技部"十五"科技攻关项目 ( 2 0 0 1BA80 4A0 2 )~~