我国轻型薄壁 H型钢市场日益加大 ,有些型钢厂欲建设新轧机 ,生产该产品。生产轻型薄壁规格 ,应该使用连轧机。为此 ,就轻型薄壁 H型钢轧制的轧制规程、精轧温度 ,轧制力进行了实验研究。研究结果表明 :由于轧辊冷却水的作用 ,在连轧机上 ,薄壁 H型钢的腰部温度不高于 U EU往复可逆连轧机。使用 UEU强力往复可逆连轧机 ,比常规的连轧机更适用于轧制轻型薄壁
The market of light H beam in China become, bigger gradually, so some works plan to build new rolling line and develop new products Ordinarily, continuous rolling mill should be applied for light H beam,some researchers suggest that at least 7 stand tandem rolling mill should be constructed The rolling regulations, finish rolling temperature and rolling force were studied by experiments The results show that the web temperature of H beam is lower than that in UEU reversing tandem rolling mill for light H beam because of the roll cooling water The UEU powerful reversing tandem rolling mill is more suitable for light H beam than conventional one
Iron and Steel