为了在仿真运行过程中对联盟、盟员以及RTI进行监控 ,HLA中引入了管理对象模型 (MOM) ,该模型是HLA/RTI架构中的重要组成部分。该文介绍了IEEE15 16规范中定义的MOM ,并在此基础上对其进行了扩展。结合我们StarLinkRTI的开发实践 ,提出了通过代理盟员实现MOM的设计方案 ,在该RTI中实现了对MOM的支持。最后在此基础上 ,设计并实现了管理盟员StarFM。
The Management Object Model(MOM) is an important component of the High Level Architecture(HLA)/Run Time Infrastructure(RTI). The purpose of the federation manager StarFM developed for the StarLink RTI is to provide HLA applications with the ability to easily monitor, manage, and control the federates, the federation, and the RTI itself. We present an overview of what a MOM is and a brief description of the programming interface of the MOM. Then we import the concept of the MOM Proxy, describe the design architecture and introduce the implementation of our federation manager StarFM.
Computer Simulation