
上海地区秋色叶成因的调查与分析 被引量:63

Investigation and Analysis on Cause of Forming Autumn-color Leaf in Shanghai
摘要 经详细分析近 3a上海地区的气象资料 ,发现 2 0 0 3年上海地区的气候与往年相比 ,更有利于秋色叶的形成 ,其主要原因是 :较大的光照强度有利于光合作用及色素的形成 ;较大的昼夜温差有利于植物体内糖分的积累及花青素的形成 ;较高的空气相对湿度有利于秋色叶形成。影响秋色叶变化的内部因素主要是光合产物的变化 ,外部因素为光照、气温、水分等。 By analyzing the meteorological data in Shanghai in the past three years, it was found that the climate condition in 2003 was more beneficial to form autumn-color leaf compared with the climates in the other two years. Higher illumination intensity, larger difference in diurnal and nocturnal temperatures and higher air moisture were advantageous to photosynthesis, the forms of pigment and anthocyanin and the accumulation of sugar. The intrinsic factor influencing the autumn-color leaf is the change of photosynthetic production, and the extrinsic factors are illumination, temperature and moisture.
机构地区 上海植物园
出处 《东北林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第5期84-86,共3页 Journal of Northeast Forestry University
关键词 秋色叶 内外因素 光合产物 Autumn-color leaf Intrinsic and extrinsic factors Photosynthesis production
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