
现代风险导向审计基本内涵分析 被引量:114

摘要 本文将自 2 0世纪 90年代后期开始、在国际会计师事务所内部推行、以被审计单位的经营风险为导向的新的风险导向审计方法称为现代风险导向审计。在分析现代风险导向审计产生原因的基础上 ,本文探讨了现代风险导向审计的基本内涵 ,指出现代风险导向审计是一种新的审计基本方法 ,它以系统观和战略观为指导思想 ,运用“自上而下”和“自下而上”
作者 谢荣 吴建友
出处 《审计研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第5期26-30,共5页 Auditing Research
基金 中国注册会计师协会 2 0 0 3年度规划课题"风险导向审计技术与方法研究"(项目编号 :2 0 0 3 -A -6)的阶段性成果
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  • 2AICPA. 2002. Proposed Statement on Auditing Standards: Understanding the Entity and its Environment and Assessing the Risk of Material Misstatement, paragraph 36.
  • 3APB. 2000. Developments in the Audit Methodologies of Large Accounting Firms. APB monographCOSO. 2003. Enterprise Risk Management Framework. Exposure Draft.
  • 4Eilifsen, A. , Knechel, W. R. and Wallage, P. 2001. Application of the Business Risk Audit Model: A Field Study, Accounting Horizons, Sep., p193-207.
  • 5Erickson, M. M. , B. W. Mayhew, and W. L. Felix, Jr. 1996. Understanding the Client's Business: Lessons from Lincoln Savings and Loan, unpublished working paper.
  • 6POB. 2000. The Panel on Audit Effectiveness: Report and Recommendations.
  • 7Power, M. K.. 2003. Auditing and the Production of Legitimacy. Accounting, Organization and Society. May, pp379 -394.
  • 8Timothy B. Bell, Frank O. Marrs, Ira Solomom and Howard Thomas. 1997. Auditing Organizations Through a Strategic - Systems Lens. KPMG monograph.
  • 9Timothy B. Bell and Ira Solomon. 2002. Cases in Strategic - System Auditing, KPMG and University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign.
  • 10Timothy B. Bell and Arnold M. Wright, eds. , Auditing Practice, Research, and Education: A Productive Collaboration (AICPA, 1995).





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