要获得好的压裂酸化增产效果 ,选择合适的施工井是很重要的。影响压裂酸化选井的因素多 ,而且因素本身具有一定的模糊性 ,关系复杂。传统的选井方法依据经验 ,具有一定的主观性。研究了一种新的选井选层的模糊决策方法 ,并对 6口压裂候选井进行了优选。该方法改变了以往选井选层中只考虑单一优化目标函数的作法 ,综合考虑了候选井层的多个性能指标 ,克服了以往选井选层方法的盲目性 ,因而更加合理 ,结果与实际更相符。
To obtain good fracturing and acidizing treatment,it is important to select appropriate working wells. There are many factors that affect choosing the right working wells. The relation between them is very complicated and they possess definite fuzziness. The traditional methods of choosing the wells are based on experience,which possess definite subjectivity. A new fuzzy decision-making method to choose the candidate wells for fracturing is presented in this article, which is used to choose the best candidate well from six wells. The method takes most factors of the wells into consideration, so the result is more reasonable and more accord with practice.
Fault-Block Oil & Gas Field
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