目的 比较分析阴道二维与三维超声诊断输卵管系膜囊肿的准确性 ,探讨阴道超声诊断输卵管系膜囊肿的临床价值。方法 30例经手术、病理组织学证实为输卵管系膜囊肿 ,术前经阴道超声检查 ,随机分为 A、B两组。A组 :应用阴道二维超声检查 17例 ;B组 :应用阴道三维超声检查 13例。结果 检查结果分别与手术结果及病理组织学诊断对照。A组 17例中有 14例符合 ,诊断的准确率为 82 .4 % ;B组 13例中有 12例符合 ,诊断的准确率为 92 .3%。结论 阴道超声诊断输卵管系膜囊肿具有重要意义 ,三维超声能够提供二维超声更丰富的信息 ,其准确性更高。
Objective To analyse the accuracy of transvaginal two dimensional ultrasonography (TV 2DUS)and three dimensional ultrasonography(TV 3DUS) in the diagnosis of mesosalpinx cysts and to investigate the clinical value of TVUS.Methods A total of 30 patients were randomly divided into A and B groups Seventeen patients in group A were examined with TV 2DUS,while 13 patients ingroup B were examined with TV 2DUS and TV 3DUS Results All cases were confirmed by surgery and pathology The diagnostic accuracy rate of ultrasonography was 82 4% in group A and 92 3% ingroup B Conclusions TVUS has important signifiance for diagnosis of mesosalpinx cysts TV 3DUS can provide more informations and higer diagnostic accuracy than those of TV 2DUS
Chinese Journal of Ultrasound Diagnosis