
藏缅语的述补结构——兼反观汉语的述补结构 被引量:12

Indicative Supplemental Structure In The Tibeto-Burman Group—— Also Served As An Analogical Study Of The Indicative Supplemental Structure In The Chinese Language
摘要 藏缅语述补结构的特点主要有:发展不平衡,呈现出不同的层次类型;结构方式有粘着式(无标记)和分析式(有标记)两种,二者比例因不同的语言而不同;补语不同程度地出现语法化趋势。从藏缅语的述补结构反观汉语可以看到:汉语述补结构的类型存在两个不同的层次;汉语述补结构的能产性是由其语言分析性强的特点决定的;藏缅语述补结构与汉语大都无共同来源,其相似点是由类型学决定的。 As concluded by this study, the indicative supplemental structure of the Tibetan-Burmese language has demonstrated such linguistic characteristics as an unbalanced development with different structural types, dual structural types, agglutinative ( without indicators) and analytic (with indicators) with different proportions found in different languages and different grammatical orientations. This very study may well serve as an analogical study for the Chinese language and such findings are discussed as the formation of the indicative supplemental structure of the Chinese language with two distinctive structural types, the productivity of the indicative supplemental structure in the Chinese language as determined by its strong linguistic analytical function, and finally, a conclusion that the indicative supplemental structure of the Tibetan-Burmese language finds no obvious origin from the Chinese language and seemingly resemblances are the results of typological development.
作者 戴庆厦 黎意
出处 《语言研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第4期119-125,共7页 Studies in Language and Linguistics
关键词 藏缅语 结构 反观 汉语 The Tibetan-Burmese language Indicative supplemental structure Analogical study The Chinese language
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