
透视中国国际竞争力 被引量:7

摘要 在2002年度《国际竞争力报告》(参评49个国家和地区)中,我国总体排名第31位,其中科技竞争力排名第25位。在最新的《全球竞争力报告》(参评75个国家和地区)中,我国的创新能力排名第43位。
出处 《瞭望》 北大核心 2002年第48期23-25,共3页
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  • 1Anderton, Douglas L. et al., 1994, Environmental Equity: the Demographics of Dumping, Demography,31, pp.229~248.
  • 2Been, Vicki, 1994, Locally Undesirable Land Uses in Minority Neighborhoods: Disproportionate Siting or Market Dynamics?", The Yale Law Journal, 103 (6),pp. 1388~1422.
  • 3Burke, Lauretta M., 1993, Race and Environmental Equity:A Geographic Analysis in Los Angeles, Geo InfoSystems, 3(9) ,pp.44~50.
  • 4Cutter, Susan L.; Holm, Danika and Clark, Lloyd, 1996,The Role of Geographic Scale in Monitoring Environmental Justics, Risk Analysis, 16(4) ,pp.517~526.
  • 5Daniels, Glynis and Friedman, Samanths, 1999, Spatial Inequity and the Distribution of Industrial Toxic Releases: Evidence from the 1009 TRI, Social Science Quarterly, 80(2), pp .244~262.
  • 6Szasz,Andrew and Meuser, Michael, 1997 ,Environmental Inequalities: Literature Review and Proposals for New Directions in Research and Theory, Current Sociology,45(3),pp.99~120.
  • 7United Church of Christ (UCC), Commission for Racial Justice, 1987, Toxic Wastes and Race : A National Report on the Racial and Socioeconomic Characteristics of Communities with Hazardous Waste Sites, New York: United Church of Christ.
  • 8Weeks, John R., 1999, Population: An Introduction to Concepts and Issues ( Seventh Edition ), Wadsworth Publishing Company.
  • 9Wong, David, 1996, Aggregation Effects in Geo-reference Data, PracticalHandbook of Spatial Statistics: Chapter 5,CRC Press.





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