In this papert the theory of major efficiency for multiobjective programmingis established.The major-efficient solutions and weakly major-efficient solutions of multiobjective programming given here are Pareto efficient solutions of the same multiobjectiveprogramming problem, but the converse is not true. In a ceratin sense , these solutionsare in fact better than any other Pareto efficient solutions. Some basic theorems whichcharacterize major-efficient solutions and weakly major-efficient solutions of multiobjective programming are stated and proved. Furthermore,the existence and some geometricproperties of these solutions are studied.
In this papert the theory of major efficiency for multiobjective programmingis established.The major-efficient solutions and weakly major-efficient solutions of multiobjective programming given here are Pareto efficient solutions of the same multiobjectiveprogramming problem, but the converse is not true. In a ceratin sense , these solutionsare in fact better than any other Pareto efficient solutions. Some basic theorems whichcharacterize major-efficient solutions and weakly major-efficient solutions of multiobjective programming are stated and proved. Furthermore,the existence and some geometricproperties of these solutions are studied.