圆头锁眼机是夹克衫和西服等高档服装加工的关键设备 ,凸轮机构是该机的核心机构 ,针杆复合凸轮是其中最重要、最复杂的凸轮 ,凸轮曲线的测绘是圆头锁眼机消化吸收项目的重要环节 ,传统的直接测量方法存在不足 ,不能满足生产需要。在分析美国REECE1 0 4 1 0 0型圆头锁眼机系统的基础上 ,采用间接测量方法 ,通过测量凸轮机构输出点的坐标值 ,计算出凸轮轨迹曲线 。
Eyelet buttonholers are key sewing machines in high quality garment production. In a buttonholer, the cam mechanisms are critical and the needle-bar compound cam is the most important and complex part. Precise measurement of this compound cam is a very important step for buttonholer development. However, the conventional direct measuring method is lack of the ability to meet the practical requirement. Upon analyzing the principle of a certain famous buttonholer, this paper introduces a new way of indirect measurement, with which the cam curve can be deduced by measuring output points of the cam mechanism. It has been proved to be a simple and precise way of measurement, which is very helpful for designing and producing this kind of cam domestically.
Machine Design And Research