
检测尿脱落细胞中微卫星不稳定性的临床意义 被引量:2

Clinical Implications of Microsatellite Instability in Urinary Exfoliative Cell of the Patients with Bladder Carcinoma
摘要 目的:探讨膀胱癌患者尿脱落细胞微卫星不稳定性及临床意义。方法:将42例患者尿液标本经适当处理后,采用PCR-PAGE-银染方法检测尿脱落细胞中微卫星不稳定性的情况,分析其与临床病理参数的关系。结果:膀胱癌患者尿中MSI阳性率为59.52%(25/42),浸润性肿瘤患者尿中阳性率较高,但无统计学意义(P>0.05);复发病例中阳性率(80.00%)比初发者(40.91%)明显要高(P<0.05)。结论:检测尿脱落细胞微卫星不稳定性可以作为膀胱癌的一种无创诊断及筛查手段。 Objective: To investigate microsatellite instability (MSI) and it's potential clinical implications in urinary exfoliative cell of the patients with bladder carcinoma. Methods: After treated with proper method, urine spacimens from 69 individuals were analyzed by PCR for microsatellite instability and it's relation to the clinico-pathologic parameters. Results: The overall sensitivity of microsatellite instability in voided urine samples for the detection of bladder neoplasms was 59.52%(25/42). It was relatively higher in the tumor of advanced stage and grade, but there was no significance(P>0.05). It was significantly higher in recurrent cases(60.00%, 12/20) than in primary cases(80.00%, 16/20)(P<0.05). Conclusion: MSI is a potential biomarker for noninvasive detection of bladder carcinoma by assaying exfoliated cells from the voided urine specimen with PCR.
出处 《中国肿瘤临床》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期73-75,78,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology
基金 2000年安徽省教育厅高校优秀青年教师科研基金(编号:2000jq137) 安徽省自然科学基金资助(编号:2001kj176)
关键词 膀胱癌 微卫星不稳定性 尿脱落细胞 Bladder neoplasms Gene Microsatellite instability Urinary exfoliative cell
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