
轴向变形对壁式框架自振周期的影响 被引量:1

The Influence of Axial Deformation on Natural Period with Wall-frame Structure
摘要 当剪力墙开洞较大 ,连梁线刚度大于或接近墙肢线刚度时 ,可按壁式框架计算结构的内力与位移。但目前所使用的壁式框架法尚没有考虑柱子轴向变形的影响 ,将使计算结果造成一定的误差。结构自振周期是直接反映结构吸收地震能量多少的重要指标 ,本文基于能量变分原理推导了结构频率的计算公式 ,介绍了工程中计算结构自振周期常用的几种近似方法 ,讨论了影响结构自振周期的主要因素。再以 10层、2 0层和 30层大开洞剪力墙为例 ,采用通用有限元程序SAP2 0 0 0建立壁式框架模型 ,探讨了柱子轴向变形对结构自振周期的影响 。 Wall-frame method can be used to calculate the forces and displacements of shear wall structures with large openings, in which the linear rigidity of coupling wall-beams is larger than or close to the linear rigidity of coupling wall-columns. However, the axial deformation has not considered in the wall-frame method. Structural natural periods are important indexes to reflect on absorbed seismic energy, a formula for structural frequency is deducted according to variation principle in this paper, various appreciative methods of calculating structural natural periods in engineering practice are introduced, and the main influence factors in structural natural periods are discussed. 10-story, 20-story and 30-story shear wall structures with large openings were analyzed by universal finite element method of SAP2000,the influence of axial deformation on natural period is discussed, and some reasonable suggestions are given to guide engineering practice.
出处 《工程抗震与加固改造》 2005年第1期19-22,共4页 Earthquake Resistant Engineering and Retrofitting
关键词 轴向变形 壁式框架 自振周期 剪力墙 位移计算 axial deformation wall-frame structure natural period
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