在调查和分类的基础上发现冶勒自然保护区野生大型真菌共有14 3种。按AnisworthG .C .(1973)系统,隶属于2个亚门,11个目,34科,70个属。对优势科、食(药)用、有毒菌以及它们的营养类型进行了分析,结果显示:①该地区大型真菌的物种丰富(占四川的11.0 9% ) ;②潜在的经济和生态价值较高(食用菌82种,药用菌2 6种,外生菌根菌5 5种) ;③营养类型多样化(木生,土生,粪生,外生菌根,虫生)。
Based on the investigation and taxonomy,143 species of the wild macro-fungi from Yele Nature Reserve in Sichuan have been identified. According to G. C. Anisworth's system (1973),they belong to 70 genera,34 families,11 orders and 2 subdivision. Dominant families,edible(medical) fungi,toadstool and their aliment-type were analyzed. It shows that:① the species of macro-fungi are very rich in this area,② the potential value for utilization is high,③ the aliment-type is diversified.
Chinese Wild Plant Resources
四川省重点学科建设项目 (SZD0 4 2 0 )