
A型行为与胆石病发病关系的研究 被引量:4

Studies on relations between a type behavior and the infection of choleithiasis
摘要 目的 探讨A型行为与胆石病的发病关系。方法 遵循流行病学调查的方法,用A型行为问卷对 2 442人逐一进行TH、CH、TH+CH计分,评定行为类型。以SAS6. 12软件处理数据,分析不同行为类型人胆石病患病率的差异性,分析行为类型、行为类型积分增高对胆石病患病的影响等。结果 行为五类型的A型诊断胆石症的危险比值比OR为 1. 558,P值 0. 0572;控制社会人口学因素等后,行为五类型的A型诊断胆石病的危险比值比OR值为 1. 925, P值 0. 0203,差异有显著性 (P<0. 05)。结论 A型行为与胆石病发病有较为密切的关系,行为五类型的A型可能是导致胆石病发病的重要心理社会因素之一。 Objective To discuss relations between A type behavior and the infection of choleithiasis.Methods Followed by the investigation methods of epidemiology, the behavior types of test 2442 persons were evaluated with A type behavior questionnaire one by one, by the statistical results of TH, CH, TH+CH methods. Data were dealt with SAS 6.12, the difference of the morbidity risk was compared among various behavior types, and the influence of behavior types and the increment of behavior types integration on the prevalence of choleithiasis and so on were also analyzed.Results The diagnosed results of A type among five behavior ones were listed as follows, the value of OR infected by cholelithiasis was 1.558,after controlling social demographics factors and so on was 1.925, 0.0572 ,after controlling social demographics factors and so on was 0.0203 as well as, which showed remarkable significance in statistics.Conclusion There was close relation between A type behavior and the infection of cholelithiasis, it was A type among five types behavior that may be one of the important psychological and social factors which led to choltlithiasis.
出处 《中国行为医学科学》 CSCD 2005年第3期217-219,共3页 Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(39570876)
关键词 A型行为 胆石病 心理社会因素 流行病学 诊断 A type behavior Cholelithiasis Psychological and social factors.
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