
巴黎翠凤蝶、红基美凤蝶生物学特性初步观察 被引量:2

Primary Survey on Bionomics of Papilio paris and P. alcmenor
摘要 巴黎翠凤蝶在甘肃白水江自然保护区1年2代,以蛹越冬,翌年3月下旬越冬蛹开始羽化,4月下旬至5月初为第1代成虫羽化高峰期,第2代成虫羽化高峰期在6月底7月初;寄主为芸香科的飞龙掌血、柑橘类等植物;成虫喜访白色系的花,也好在臭水沟处群聚嬉戏,一般在常绿林带的高处活动,飞行迅速,警觉性高而且很少停息,难以捕捉。红基美凤蝶在白水江自然保护区1年2代,以蛹越冬,翌年4月初越冬蛹开始羽化,4月下旬为第1代成虫羽化高峰期,6月底7月上旬为第2代成虫羽化高峰期;7月下旬成虫数量减少,但直至9月仍可见到成虫;7月上旬产卵高峰期,9月初为化蛹高峰期;直到10月上中旬还可见幼虫;幼虫5龄,历期25~35d;寄主为柑桔等芸香科植物。 Papilio paris Bivoltine is overwintering in pupa and has two generations in a year at the Baishuijiang Natural Reserve of Gansu. Eclosion is in the later March of next year. The adults of first generation will emerge with a great quantity from late April to early May, and the second ones will be from late June to early July. The adults prefer white flower plants and like playing at the areas of sewers in colonies. They always fly at a very high speed on the top of evergreen forest land. They also have a good vigilance and do not de catched. Larva feeds on Citrus spp. and Toddalia asiatica. Papilio alcmenor Bivoltine is overwintering in pupa and has two generations in a year at the Baishuijiang Natural Reserve of Gansu. Eclosion is in the early April of next year. The adults of first generation will emerge with a great quantity in late April, and the second ones will be from late June to early July. The adults will decrease in late July, but they can be seen until September. The larva period is 25~35 days with five instars. Larva feeds on Citrus spp.
出处 《甘肃林业科技》 2005年第1期13-15,53,F003,共5页 Journal of Gansu Forestry Science and Technology
关键词 巴黎翠凤蝶 红基美凤蝶 生物学 白水江自然保护区 甘肃 Papilio paris Papilio alcmenor biology Baishuijiang Natural Reserve Gansu
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