The investigation ofsoil background chlorine content in Thejiang Province and field tuals toestimate the chlorine accumulation in soils applied with chloride fertiyizers were carried out from 1 987 to1 990. The rcsults sbowed that the desalting muddy polder soils and paddy flelds on desalting muddy pold-er which devcloped froin shallow sea deposit contained the highest chloruie background content amongmajor soils in Zhejiang Provinee apart from coastal saline soils. But the varianee was large and the rangewas from 60.4 to 7 1 8.gmg / kg. The other soils containcd lower chlonnc background content and most ofthem were below 1 00mg / kg. The applicauon of chloride fertilizero may cause chloruie acccumulation insoils, But the chlorme residue rates (percent oftatol applieil choruie) vatied from 0 to 30.% accord-ing to the soil drainage/ percolation characteristics.If the drainage and pereolation charaberistics weregood. the residue rate was lower; othcrwiso. the residuc rate was higher. But usually the rates were be-low 10.% . The chlorine residue rate in nonirrigaled oreberd soil was not deciuvcly higber than irrigatedpaddy soils. The soil chlonne coneentrations were far below the crop critical concentration of chloruie af-ter 2 or 3 years consective application of chloride fertilizers
Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis
土壤C1 ̄积累
Soil chlorine background content
Chloride fertilizers. Chloruie residue in soils