5′-磷酸腺苷脱氨酶1(AMPD1)是嘌呤代谢中的一种重要酶类,它的功能是催化AMP(一磷酸腺苷)脱氨,生成肌苷酸(IMP),从而影响肉质风味。试验采用单链构象多态性(PCR-SSCP)技术,以隐性白羽肉鸡、白来航蛋鸡和两个地方品种(北京油鸡、三黄胡须鸡)纯系鸡为试验材料,对AMPD1基因进行SNPs检测和基因类型判别。卡方检验结果表明: 除三黄胡须鸡和隐性白羽肉鸡、北京油鸡和白来航鸡间差异不显著(P>0.05)外,其他各品种间差异极显著(P<0.01)。AMPD1基因多态性与北京油鸡生产和屠体性状(活重、胸肌率、肌苷酸含量等)相关分析结果表明:肌苷酸含量在三种基因型间差异显著(P<0.05)。初步推断AMPD1可能为影响鸡肉中肌苷酸生成的主效基因或与主效基因相连锁。
AMP-deaminase1(AMPD1) catalyzes the irreversible hydrolysis of AMP to IMP and ammonia being the integral enzyme of purine nucleotide cycle. This study was designed to investigate the effect of AMPD gene on chicken IMP concentration. The fourth generation population of divergent selection Recessive white-feather broiler , White leghorns and two Chinese special breeds (Beijing fatty chicken and Sanhuang bearded chicken were used in the research. Body weight and body composition traits were measured in Beijing you at 90 days. Primer Pb were designed .Polymorphisms were detected by PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing. The results showed that there was significant difference (P<0.01) in the frequency of genotype among breeds except Sanhuang bearded vs Recessive white-feather broiler and Beijing you vs White leghorns. A/B mutation was found among individule in Beijing you and One-way ANOVA analysis showed that AA birds had lower(P<0.05) IMP than AB and BB birds. It implied that AMPD gene could be a Candidate locus or linked to a major gene to significantly affect IMP concentration in chicken.
Heilongjiang Animal Science And veterinary Medicine