
《承德民族师专学报》1981—2004年载文统计分析 被引量:4

A Statistic Analysis on the Recorded Articles in the Journal of Chengde Teachers College for Nationalities from 1981 to 2004
摘要 作者运用文献计量学、统计学的方法,对《承德民族师专学报》1981—2004年间刊载论文的年代分布量、学科分布、篇均页码、发表时滞、引文情况等进行统计分析,定量地揭示了该刊的学术质量及办刊特色。结果表明,《学报》载文量适当,发表论文主题分布特色鲜明;一些专辑的出版时效性强,影响力大,转载率高;发表时滞不长;信息密度逐年上升;篇均页码较初期缩短;教育教学类论文量偏多,学术水平有待进一步提高;引文量分布较少;无参考文献篇数较多;影响因子有待提高;基金论文的发文量少,基金论文的发表应予以重视与加强。并由此提出了学报的改进意见。 This is an analysis on the published theses in The Journal of Chengde Teachers' College for Nationdlities from 1981 to 2004 by the method of documentary metrology and statistics.The academic quality and runing features can be seen frm its annual distribution,subject dispersion,the average length,the time of the postponed use of the theses and the quoted theses etc.The study shows that the amount of essays is adequate,subject dispersion is distionctive ;Some special editions are influential and effective for a certain period,and they were reprinted by other publications;the time of the postponed use of the theses is not long;the information density is raising annually;the average length of the theses is shorter than before;the theses on education and teaching are more relatively and the academic level needs to be raised ;the quoted theses without references are more;the influential factors needs to be enhanced ;the fund essays are less and should be paid attention to.
出处 《承德民族师专学报》 2005年第1期111-117,共7页 Journal of Chengde Teachers College for Nationalities
关键词 《承德民族师专学报》 文献计量学 论文 载文量 引文情况 统计分析 The journal of Chengde Teachers' College for Nationalities documentary metrology theses the amount of published theses the quoted theses statistic analysis
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