

Mechanism and Applications of RNA Interference
摘要 综述RNAi的作用机制,RNAi对生物的作用,RNAi技术的应用。 RNA interference, a molecule technique developed in recent years, is a phenomenon of gene silence induced by double-stranded RNA, the application of which has been arousing great interests. This paper reviews the mechanism and applications of RNA interference.
作者 查笑君
出处 《华南热带农业大学学报》 2005年第1期36-39,共4页 Journal of South China University of Tropical Agriculture
关键词 RNA干预 双链RNA 基因沉默 作用机制 生物 功能基因分析 基因治疗 药物开发 RNA interference double-stranded RAN gene silence
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