
Image Retrieval Based on Objects’ Spatial Orientation Relationships

Image Retrieval Based on Objects’ Spatial Orientation Relationships
摘要 A new concept of characteristic scanning radial (CSR) is proposed for thesegmented image on the basis of two shape-specific points of its shape-objects. Subsequently, twocharacteristic attribute sequences (CAS) of relative distance and relative direction are derived torepresent the spatial orientation relationships among objects of the image. A novel image retrievalalgorithm is presented using these two CASs. The proposed retrieval approach not only satisfies thetransformational invariance, butalso attains the quantitative comparison of matching. Experimentsidentify the effectiveness and efficiency of the algorithm adequately. A new concept of characteristic scanning radial (CSR) is proposed for thesegmented image on the basis of two shape-specific points of its shape-objects. Subsequently, twocharacteristic attribute sequences (CAS) of relative distance and relative direction are derived torepresent the spatial orientation relationships among objects of the image. A novel image retrievalalgorithm is presented using these two CASs. The proposed retrieval approach not only satisfies thetransformational invariance, butalso attains the quantitative comparison of matching. Experimentsidentify the effectiveness and efficiency of the algorithm adequately.
出处 《Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences》 EI CAS 2005年第3期520-524,共5页 武汉大学学报(自然科学英文版)
基金 SupportedbytheNationalHighTechnology DevelopmentFoundationofChina(2001AA231071)
关键词 image retrieval spatial relationship transformation invariant shape-specific point characteristic scanning radial characteristic attribute sequence image retrieval spatial relationship transformation invariant shape-specific point characteristic scanning radial characteristic attribute sequence
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