Objective To investigate the value of panel flu or escence in situ hybridization for detection of genomic aberrations in chr onic lymphocytic leukemia(CLL). Methods Five types of fluores cein-labelled DNA probes including centromeric probes for chromosomes 3,12 and 1 8, and two sequence-specific probes D13S272 for 13q14.3 and ATM for 11q23 were used to perform fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assays in 22 patients with CLL. Its results were compared with that of conventional cytogenetic (CC) e xamination in order to ascertain which method is more sensitive and reliable for the detection of chromosomal and genomic abnormalities in CLL. Results On CC examination, only 8 cases (36.3%) w ere found to have chromosomal abnormalities including sole trisomy 12 in 3 cases , simultaneous trisomies 3 and 12 in one case, simultaneous trisomies 3, 12 and 1 8 in one case, translocation between chromosomes 5 and 15 in one case, deletion of 13q14.3 in one case, 3q- and 18p+ in one case, 4q+ and 13q- in one case, where as on panel FISH assay, 15 cases (68.1%) were found to have genomic aberrations including trisomy 3 in 4 cases, trisomy 12 in 6 cases, trisomy 18 in one case, d eletion of 13q14.3 in 8 cases, deletion of 11q23 in 6 cases. Conclusion Panel FISH is a useful method for detection of genomic aberration in CL L, if combined with CC, it can obviously enhance the detection rate of chromos omal abnormalities in CLL.
Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics