
跳进无意识:析勃莱诗歌中的深度意象 被引量:1

Leaping into the Unconsciousness:on Deep Images in Bly's Poetry
摘要 以勃莱为代表的"深度意象诗"试图通过短促的意象跳跃深入到心灵深处的某一不受逻辑思维控制的契合点,在此特定瞬间,内在的意识和外在的世界融合成有机的整体,产生一个新的超现实的理想境界, 从而架起了连接意识和无意识的桥梁。为此,勃莱的诗大多以外在的客观意象开始,以此为枢轴迅速内转,使该意象连接对外在事物的感官印象与内心产生的隐秘体验,成为跃入想像空间的方便媒介,体现出想像奔放不羁,跳跃性极大的特征。 Through short and rapid leaping imagery, deep image poetry, a name given to the work of Robert Bly and others, goes deeply inward to those depths that bridge the gap between the conscious and unconscious. In this ideal surreal world, discursive reasoning loses its power and life inside the brain and the life outside merge into a single,organic whole. Therefore,Bly's poems often begin with some objects,then turn inward with the image which hinges between the sensory impression of the object and the inner reverberation. In this way the object and the image may be seen as convenient vehicles for entering the playful and poetic space of the imagination. As a result,Bly's poems are characterized by wild,imaginative leaps.
作者 徐学龙
出处 《南阳师范学院学报》 CAS 2005年第4期54-59,共6页 Journal of Nanyang Normal University
关键词 深度意象诗 意象跳跃 超现实 deep image poetry leaping imagery ideal surreal world
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  • 1Bly, Robert. Talking All Morning[M]. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1980.
  • 2Wesling,Donald. The Recent Work of Donald Hall and Robert Bly [ A ]. Contemporary Literary Criticism, XXXⅧ [ C ].Michigan: Gale Research Company, 1986.
  • 3Bly,Robert. A Wrong Turning in American Poetry[A].Claims for Poetry[C]. Ann Arbor. University of Michigan Press,1982.
  • 4Bly, Robert. Ten Poems of Francis Ponge Translated by Robert Bly & Ten Poems of Robert Bly Inspired by the Poems of Francis Pong[M]. Riverview: Owl's Head Press, 1990.
  • 5Bly, Robert. Leaping Poetry: an Idea with Poems and Translations [ M ]. Boston: Beacon Press, 1972.
  • 6Jung, Carl G. Collected Works ( Vol. 9 ) [ M ]. Series XX. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1959.
  • 7Harris, Victoria Frenkel. The Incorporative Consciousness of Robert Bly[M ]. Carbondale, IL.: Southern Illinois University Press, 1992.
  • 8Bly, Robert. Selected Poems [ M ]. New York: Harper &Row, 1986.










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