
造孔剂对多孔Al_2O_3陶瓷性能的影响 被引量:2

Effect of pore-making agent on properties of porous alumina ceramic
摘要 采用干压成型法制备了多孔Al2O3陶瓷,对造孔剂种类、用量以及添加剂对多孔陶瓷性能的影响进行了研究.实验结果表明:不同造孔剂对气孔率的影响不同,随着造孔剂加入量的增加,气孔率增大,但试样抗折强度呈下降趋势.在Al2O3基体中加入质量分数为5%~15%的ZrO2时,基体的抗折强度增强,并可以保持300以上的气孔率. The effects of the kind and quantity of the pore-making agents and the additive on the properties of porous Al_2O_3 ceramics produced by dry pressing were investigated. The results show that the apparent porosity vary with kinds of pore-making agents, and the values is increased. But fracture strength is decreased with an increase of pore-making agent. The fracture strength of Al_2O_3 ceramic matrix is increased by adding 5%-15% ZrO_2 particles, and more than 30% porosity is kept.
出处 《天津工业大学学报》 CAS 2005年第3期17-19,共3页 Journal of Tiangong University
关键词 多孔Al2O3 陶瓷 造孔剂 气孔率 抗折强度 显微结构 porous Al_2O_3 ceramic pore-making agent porosity fracture strength microstructure
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