The experiment was carried out in a dark room. sixteen normal youngmen served as subjects. semi-supine position were taken. Visual distance between the subject and dial was 70 cm. The lowest illuminating level for dial reading during whole body vibration in chest-back direction,vibration ofthe dial,vibration of both man and dial as well as in light of various wavelength were measured. The resuIts show that: (1)the difference among the illumination levels needed for dial reading under the condition of different vibration frequencies,in which the visual acuity was maintained equally, were not significant. As the visual acuity was decreased with the increase of vibration intensity, the illuminationneeded for dial reading was increased; (2)illumination level for dial reading during vibration of both manand dial,as well as vibration of man only was higher than that during vibration of dial only; (3)the illumination needed for dial reading was significantly influenced by wavelength characteristic of illuminatinglight,the order of five illuminating lights ranged from high to low according to their values of illumination needed for dial reading was as follows: red light with initial wavelength 620 nm,white light, redlight with peak wavelength 640 nm, red light with peak wavelength 620 nm, and red light with peakwavelength 600 nm.
Vibration Instrument illumination Dial reading Wavelength Chacracteristic of illuminating light