In the early Qing Dynasty, the theory of style -breaking tried to rise Ci's position through the method of making Ci returned to the Confucian instruction through poetry, under the support of Ci style's education and express ideal fuction, however facing the danger that Ci was regarded as fnerely poems with sentences in different syllables On the other hand, the theory of style- distinguishing, supported by entertaining function of the literary genre of Ci -poetry, tended to respect the literary genre of Ci - poetry through laying emphasis on Ci's unique characteristics in the form of music. However, this theory was excluded by the main society and failed to respect the Literary Genre of Ci - Poetry. After the reign of Emperor Jisqing and Daoguang,in the situation that Ci lost the entertaining function, Changzhou school kept Ci's unique artistic characteristics in the process of keeping the poetic feature, which could be used in Confucian instruction through poetry, thus realized the ideal combination between the style - breaking and style - following, leading a real high status of the literary genre of Ci -poetry. However, it also caused the disjunction between the Ci - poetry and revolutionary thought as well as vernacular literature, which made Ci doomed to be declined.
Research of Chinese Literature
style- breaking, style-distinguish, style- following, Ci- poetry, the Qing Dynasty