The authors report 5 cases of aortoiliac atheromatous occlusive disease treated by synthetic graft bypass without mortality during the operation. Clinical occlusive signs disappeared or improved in 4 cases after 1 to 4 year follow-up. The patent rate was 80% in all cases. Measurement of the vascular pressure gradient by Doppler ultrasound is the easy way which plays a good role in the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. When ark1e brachial pressure index(A/B index)is <0. 5,it is necessary to operate upon rather early to rescue the extremity. If superficial femoral artery is obstructed, the long-term cumulative patency rate will be decreased. In order to improve the blood supply of the extremities in these cases, Profunda femoral artery angioplasty can be performed.
Jiangsu Medical Journal