
牙科陶瓷赫兹接触破坏研究 被引量:2

Damage morphology of dental ceramics indented by Hertzian’s contact
摘要 目的:比较两种牙科陶瓷赫兹动态加载下的破坏方式。方法:应用圆球加载实验对VitamarkII可切削陶瓷和GI-II渗透陶瓷标准试件进行动态加载,观测破坏方式。结果:渗透陶瓷中心塌陷,外侧放射状裂纹导致试件的破坏。切削陶瓷试件破坏来源于触点外侧的锥状裂纹和后续的放射状裂纹。结论:均质陶瓷赫兹接触破坏以脆性模式为主,而非均质陶瓷来源于类塑性破坏。 Objective: To compare the damage mode of dental ceramics dynamically loaded by Hertzian' s contact. Methods: Hertzian' s contact technique with WC spheres was used to investigate the response of feldspathic dental porcelain and glass infiltrated ceramics to dynamic indentation.All specimens were indented, and morphology damage was observed. Results: Glass infiltrated ceramic specimens showed apparent depression at indented site, and fracture of the specimens came from radial cracks outside the contact point. Ring cracks and secondary radial cracks were the more common source of the ultimate lhilure of feldspathic dental porcelain, Conclusion: The most brittle response was observed in the homogeneous feldspathic dental porcelain, conversely, the most quasi-plasitie response was observed in heterogeneous glass infiltrated ceramics.
出处 《口腔颌面修复学杂志》 2005年第3期193-195,共3页 Chinese Journal of Prosthodontics
关键词 牙科陶瓷 赫兹接触 破坏 扫描电子显微镜检查 dental ceramics: Hertzian contact amage scanning electron microscopy(SEM)
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