
外语教育的文化取向研究——评《新视野大学英语》读写教程美国化文化取向 被引量:45

The Cultural Orientations of Foreign Language Education
摘要 本文以《新视野大学英语》为案例,考察外语教育的文化取向。分析统计揭示:《新视野大学英语》(读写教程)美国文章占主导地位;这些美国文章夹带大量美国文化信息,严重影响中国学生的文化知识构架与文化价值取向,导致对美国文化的盲从、对世界文化多元性的漠视与对本民族传统文化的淡然。本文认为,中国的外语教育应当在吸收世界文化精华的同时,充分维护本民族文化传统,从而确保实现中华文明的源源不断、生生不息。 Tnis paper examines the cultural orientations of foreign language education, based on a ease study of New Horizon College English. A statistical study reveals the predomination of American texts in New Horizon College English, which, spreading much American culture, exercises a great impact on the values of Chinese students, leading probably to a natural identification of American culture, a consequent ignorance of the plurality of the world cultures, and a gradual forgetfulness of their own culture. This paper holds that foreign language education in Chinese institutions of higher education should expose students to the diversity of cultures and serve as a protector of Chinese culture so as to preserve the precious legacy of Chinese civilization for posterity.
作者 刘可红 吴华
出处 《现代大学教育》 北大核心 2005年第4期99-102,共4页 Modern University Education
关键词 《新视野大学英语》 文化 多元性 多样性 文化取向 New Horizon College English culture plurality diversity cultural orientations
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