Since the reform policies commenced in 1978,overseas investment in China has increased rapidl HongKong direct investment(HKDI) comprises a large share of this growth.This raises a question in terms of the regional disparity of the investment.Namely,why do some areas have large concentrations of overseas investment while others are unsuccessful in attracting outside money? It is clearly related to the locational behaviour of the investors and to the environment of the areas concerned.Therefore,the research intends to analyze changing spatial patterns of industrial location and characteristics of the investment behaviour of HongKong-based companies.This has been achieved through a number of surveys and interviews with HongKong business managers.Since the research examines China's investment environment from the perspective of demand side,the results are expected to be more helpful to increase mainland Chinese in further understanding the spatial investment behaviour of HongKong business.This will benefit both investors and local people,and especially assist the less-developed areas of China in attracting investment.The study indicates that regional differentiation of HKDI in China was enlarged in 1980s and has ben reduced since 1991.The regional changing patterns can be summarized as:concentration of HKDI in the Southern China and the coastal areas has been replaced by the trend of moving Northward and Inlandward after 1989.But in terms of manufacturing industry this trend has not appeared by now.The changing patterns are clearly related to the behaviour of HongKong investors.The survey shown that'enjoying lower Production cost' is the most imPortant motive for Hong Kong industrial investment in China.In consequence,'close' to Hong Kong,'cheaper labour' and'favourable policy' are major factors factors determining investment locations.This behaviour,together with most investors' habit of not doing comparison study for their locations throughout China,can well explain that Guangdong attracted most Hong Kong investment in 1980s.As the cost increasing in Guangdong,some companies started to look for Non-Guangdong locations for their investment at the end of 1980s.This trend has been proved by the possible investment locations specified by surveyed companies,which covers 22 provinces,municipalities and automonous regions.The most attractive locationsinclude those in Guangdong,Shanghai and Beijing.In addition, Hunan.Fujian, Hainan,Sichuan, Zhejing, Shandong,Jiangsu, Tianjin and Hubei are optimistic in future investment.Form the behaviour analysis of Hong Kong invested companies,some suggestions are made for regional governments to attract investment:a)To increase accessibility and reduce transport distnce:b)To try every possibility helping investors to reduce the overall cost;c) To make policies stable and implementation thoroughly d)To improve local manager's ability to enhance localizating management;e) To let the potential investors aware of the regional environment by using various media.
Acta Geographica Sinica