针对FFT专用处理器无法满足现代雷达高速实时信号处理的要求,提出了四种高速FFT的设计方案。方案在分析比较各种FFT算法的基础上,兼顾速度、资源和复杂度三个方面,选用基4算法,利用CORD IC算法产生旋转因子,点数和字长均可灵活配置,工程可实现性强。设计方案的性能分析和硬件实现验证了设计方案的有效性,适应现代雷达的不同处理要求。
In view of the problem that special FFT processor fail to satisfy the need of the complicated high - speed real - time signal processing in modem radar, four designs of high - speed FFT are presented. Some FFT algorithms are analyzed and compared with each other in speed, resource and complexity, Radix 4 algorithm is selected and CORDIC algorithm is utilized to produce rotation factor whose number and word length are configurable. The validity of the design is validated by the performance analysis and the hardware implementation.
Journal of Air Force Engineering University(Natural Science Edition)