
PVT参数误差对物质平衡计算精度的影响研究 被引量:3

The influence of PVT errors on the accuracy of material balance calculation
摘要 采用物质平衡方程计算时,常常由于PVT参数的误差而影响最终计算结果的精度。以定容封闭干气藏、水驱干气气藏、水驱凝析气藏为例,主要讨论PVT参数误差对物质平衡计算的影响。结果表明:Bg或Bt误差对干气气藏的影响较大,对凝析气藏的影响较小;Bg误差变化趋势对干气藏和水驱气藏物质平衡计算结果影响则相反。 When calculating with material balance equation,the accuracy of the calculation result is often affected by the error of PVT parameters.This paper addresses the influence of PVT error on material balance calculation with constant-volume dry gas reservoir,waterflooding dry gas reservoir and condensate gas reservoir as examples.The result shows that,Bg or Bt error have big influence on dry gas reservoirs and small influence on condensate gas reservoirs;the influence of Bg error trend on material balance calculation is just opposite between dry gas reservoir and waterflooding gas reservoir.
出处 《特种油气藏》 CAS CSCD 2005年第5期49-51,共3页 Special Oil & Gas Reservoirs
基金 中石油重点实验室项目"高含硫气体相态理论研究"部分研究成果(项目编号:PLN0406)
关键词 气藏物质平衡方程 PVT参数 误差 计算精度 影响因素 material balance equation for gas reservoir PVT parameter error calculation accuracy influence factor
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