
Al_2O_3/Cr_3C_2/(W,Ti)C陶瓷模具材料研究 被引量:3

Study of Al_2O_3/Cr_3C_2/(W,Ti)C Ceramic Die Materials
摘要 应用热压技术制备了添加不同含量Cr3C2和(W,Ti)C的Al2O3/Cr3C2/(W,Ti)C复合陶瓷材料。利用光学显微镜、环境扫描电镜、透射电镜和能谱分析仪等对Al2O3/30%Cr3C2、Al2O3/30%(W,Ti)C、Al2O3/20%Cr3C2/10%(W,Ti)C三种复合陶瓷材料的显微组织结构进行了观察分析。研究表明:同其它两种材料相比,Al2O3/20%Cr3C2/10%(W,Ti)C陶瓷复合材料组织细化均匀,有连续骨架结构生成。Cr3C2和(W,Ti)C颗粒的共同加入有利于晶粒生长的制约,裂纹分枝与偏转、晶粒拔出、以及纳米相等等,有效提高了氧化铝陶瓷材料的力学性能。 Ceramic die materials Al2O3/Cr3C2/(W,Ti)C with different contents of Cr3C2 and (W,Ti)C were fabricated with hot-pressing technology, under 28MPa N2 atmosphere at 1700℃ for 30min, then cooled down to room temperature in the furnace. The microstructure was investigated by OM, ESEM, TEM and EDAX analysis. Results indicate that, compared to the other two ceramics, Al2O3/30%Cr3C2 and Al2O3/30% (W,Ti)C, the Al2O3/ 20%Cr3C2/10% (W,Ti)C composite may generate the continuous skeleton structure, and its flexural strength and fracture toughneas can reach 504 MPa, 6.97 MPa·m^1/2 respectively . The addition of Cr3C2 or (W,Ti)C particles can suppreas the grain growth, the toughening mechanism may include crack branching and deflection, grain pulling out, and the nanometer sized phases, which can better enhance the mechanical properties of Al2O3/Cr3C2/(W, Ti)C ceramic materials.
出处 《粉末冶金技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期343-346,共4页 Powder Metallurgy Technology
基金 山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金(编号:2000-49) 山东省自然科学基金(编号:Y2001F02)资助项目
关键词 Al2O3/Cr3C2/(W Ti)C陶瓷模具材料 热压技术 显微组织 力学性能 hot pressing Al2O3 Cr3C2 (W,Ti)C microstructure
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