
专科护士发展需求与现状研究 被引量:197

A study on the demands and status of the development of specialty nursing
摘要 目的:了解我国专科护士发展的现状及医务人员对我国发展专科护理领域的意见,为确立符合我国国情的专科护理发展领域提供依据,为我国专科护士建设的进一步发展与规范奠定基础。方法:采用自行设计的问卷,对已经取得资格的81名专科护士及近10所三甲医院的637名医务人员进行调查。结果:99.7%的人认为我国需要设立专科护士,我国今后5年内应优先开展的专科护理领域依次是:急诊急救、糖尿病、感染管理、手术室、肿瘤化疗、社区专科。结论:我国应加紧开展专科护士队伍建设,尽快建立和健全专科护士的培养制度和管理办法。 Objectives:To find out the status in quo of the development of specialty nursing and to investigate the points of health care professionals towards it.To provide evidence for both the establishment of specialty nursing in China and the further development of it.Method:Self-designed questionnaire was adopted to investigate 637 health care professionals in ten hospitals and eithy-one specialty nurses.Results:99.7% objects thought that it was essential to establish the post of specialty nurse in China.The areas which should be developoded gradually in the next five years in tum were emergency nursing,diabetes nursing,infection control nursing,cperation nursing,chemotherapeutics nursing and community nursing.Conclusion:China should carry on the training of specialty nurses,establish and perfec the culture and management system about specilaty nurses as soon as possible.
出处 《中国护理管理》 2005年第5期8-12,共5页 Chinese Nursing Management
基金 卫生部制定<中国护理事业发展规划纲要(2005-2010年)>课题
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