
以道观礼——老子之礼学 被引量:2

A Taoist Review of Ritual: A Study of Lao Zi's Ritual Theory
摘要 老子礼学呈现强烈的批判性。老子从道的高度考察礼,批评礼和礼治在政治层面的危害性和理论层面的不合理性;将礼的神学根据———天、帝、鬼神置于道的宰制之下,并从本原论方面予以证明;在论述学道方法的同时,讨论了学礼的方法———“益”;但是,老子将“道治”的实现寄托于天子、诸侯,违背了其圣人“以道莅天下”的理想化设计,还对丧礼和祭礼有所肯定。 Lao Zi's ritual theory is critical. Reviewing the ritual from the point of Taoism, Lao Zi criticizes that the ritual and the ritual politics are harmful politically and unreasonable theoretically. Lao Zi proves that in principle Tao dominates the Heaven, the God and the Ghosts, the theological basis of the ritual. While addressing himself to the way of studying Tao, Lao Zi also discusses the way of studying the ritual. But Lao Zi' view that the Son of Heaven and the seigneurs can carry out the Taoist politics transgresses his ideal of "Tao managing the society". Lao Zi also approves of the funeral ritual and the sacrifice ritual to a certain extent.
机构地区 安徽大学哲学系
出处 《安徽大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第6期24-29,共6页 Journal of Anhui University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社科基金项目(05BZX033)
关键词 老子 礼学 Lao Zi Ritual theory Taoism Ritual
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  • 1陈鼓应.老子注释及评介[M].北京:中华书局,1984版(2003年印刷).53-288.




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