目的探讨洋地黄毒甙(DT)体内抗肿瘤活性及时常用化疗药5-氟尿嘧啶(5-FU)和环磷酰胺(CTX)的增效作用。方法 应用小鼠移植性肿瘤模型,观察药物对小鼠生命延长率或肿瘤抑制率的影响。在可耐受的剂量(0.1mg/kg·d-1,ip)下治疗小鼠腹水瘤EAC,H22,P388及实体瘤S180,U14。结果 对腹水瘤无对抗作用,对实体瘤有一定抑制作用,抑瘤率分别为34.6%,35.1%。DT与5-FU(200mg/kg·d-1×1,ip)合用能显著提高5-FU对腹水瘤小鼠的生命延长率,分别达到59.3%,77.4%和93.2%;与轻度抑瘤作用剂量(20mg/kg·d-1×2,ip)的CTX合用,对实体瘤的抑瘤活性高于单独给药组,抑瘤率分别为78.8%,80.8%。结论 DT和5-FU或CTX合用具有增强疗效的作用,毒性无明显相加。
Objective To study antitumor activity of digitoxin(DT)in mice and its enhancing effects to commonly-used chemotherapeutic agents such as 5-fluorouracil( 5-FU)and cytoxan (CTX0. Methods At a tolerable dose level,DT was administrated singly or in combination with 5-FU or CTX to treat 5 types of transplanted murine tumors(ascitic tumors EAC,H22,P388 and solid tumors S180,U14),animal life span increase or tumor weight inhibition were observed. Results DT had no effect against the ascitic tumors, a certain inhibition on the growth of the solid tumors with inhibition rate of 34.6%,35.1% respectively. Combined with low dose of 5-FU(200 mg/kg·d-1×1,ip),DT can greatly enchance the life span of mice with ascitic tumors by 59.3%,77.4%,93.2% respectively.In combination with slight tumor-inhibitory dose of CTX(20 mg/kg·d-1/2,ip),the effect was much pronounced than that of independent administration, giving inhibition rate of 79.8%,80.8% respectively.Conclusion The antitumor effect was significantly potentiated by combining DT with 5-FU or CTX,but their toxicities were not obviouslv enhanced.