
A Novel Fault Location Algorithmfor Double-Circuit Transmission Lines based on Distributed Parameter

A Novel Fault Location Algorithmfor Double-Circuit Transmission Lines based on Distributed Parameter
摘要 Anewfault location algorithmfor double-circuit transmissionlines is described inthis paper.Theproposed method uses data extractedfromtwo ends of the transmissionlines andthus eliminates the effects ofthe source impedance andthe fault resistance.The distributed parameter model and the modal transformationare also employed.Depending on modal transformation,the coupled equations of the lines are converted intodecoupled ones.Inthis way,the mutual coupling effects between adjacent circuits of the lines are eliminatedandtherefore an accurate fault location can be achieved.The proposed methodis tested via digital simulationusing EMTP in conjunction with MATLAB.The test results corroborate the high accuracy of the proposedmethod. A new fault location algorithm for double-circuit transmission lines is described in this paper. The proposed method uses data extracted from two ends of the transmission lines and thus eliminates the effects of the source impedance and the fault resistance. The distributed parameter model and the modal transformation are also employed. Depending on modal transformation, the coupled equations of the lines are converted into decoupled ones. In this way, the mutual coupling effects between adjacent circuits of the lines are eliminated and therefore an accurate fault location can be achieved. The proposed method is tested via digital simulation using EMTP in conjunction with MATLAB. The test results corroborate the high accuracy of the proposed method.
作者 商立群 施围
出处 《电工电能新技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期13-16,20,共5页 Advanced Technology of Electrical Engineering and Energy
基金 陕西省教育厅专项科研计划资助项目(05JK258)
关键词 双回路输电线路 节点数据 故障分析 分布参数 double-circuit transmission lines fault location distributed parameter phase-mode transformation two ends data
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