
起升中四腿落地式K型井架及底座的应力分析 被引量:4

Stress analysis of four-leg K type derrick and its substructure during the integral hoisting of the derrick
摘要 针对在用四腿落地式K型井架在起升中井架与底座存在的问题,文章以JJ162/42-K型井架为例,采用I-DEAS有限元软件对起升过程中处于各角度时的井架及底座做了应力分析,并将其结果与两腿落地式K型井架进行了比较。分析表明,四腿落地式K型井架及底座在井架刚起升时,应力值较大,存在安全隐患。为了增强在井架起升过程中底座的安全性,建议在底座上井架2个铰支座之间加焊加强钢板,并加大井架前立柱铰支座的尺寸。 Aiming at the problems on the four-leg K type derrick that is used in the oil field at present and its substructure during the derrick integral hoisting, as the JJ162/42-K type derrick for example, the finite element method is done with software I-DEAS. During the integral hoisting of the derrick, the stress analysis of the derrick and its substructure is done with software when the derrick is at each angle. And the resuits are compared with the two-leg K type derrick's. The analysis shows that the stress of the drilling rig substructure is big when the derrick just starts rising, this is a hidden insecurity factor. In order to increase the security of the substructure during the derrick rising, the suggestion is to weld steel plates between the two hinged supports of the derrick, so as to increase the dimension of the hinged supports of the front two columns.
出处 《石油矿场机械》 2006年第1期56-59,共4页 Oil Field Equipment
基金 黑龙江省教育厅资助课题(编号10551008)
关键词 井架 钻机底座 有限元 应力分析 derrick drilling rig substructure finite element analysis stress analysis
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