
基于数量折扣的合作采购协调机制分析 被引量:10

Analysis of joint procurement coordination mechanism through quantity discounts
摘要 针对成本参数和需求参数均不相同的异质买主的一般EOQ订货模型,讨论了供应商最佳数量折扣方案设计下买主间合作采购协调问题.研究结果表明,供应商设计数量折扣方案能否达到渠道协调与买主的采购模式有关.相对于固定价格策略,数量折扣策略能够节约系统成本,令买卖双方分享节约收益.在满足较低订货批量和较低供应商生产准备和订货处理成本的前提下,供应商针对买主合作采购设计的最佳数量折扣方案能进一步协调渠道、节省系统成本,合作采购模式相对独立采购模式占优. Joint procurement coordination mechanism under the optimal quantity discounts provided by the supplier as well as the specified economic order quantity (EOQ) replenishment policy employed by heterogeneous buyers with various costs and demand parameters are investigated. The results show that whether the quantity discounts provided by the supplier can achieve channel coordination depends intimately on the purchasing model applied by the buyers. Compared to simple fixed wholesale price policy, quantity discounts policy eliminates integrated supply chain cost to some extend and both buyers and suppliers are able to share system cost saving benefits. If buyer's order quantity and supplier's order processing cost are more reduced, channel coordination effectiveness can be achieved at a higher level and system cost can be further eliminated. With the two sufficient but not necessary conditions being fulfilled, independent purchasing model is dominated by the joint procurement strategy.
出处 《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期168-173,共6页 Journal of Southeast University:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70171025 79900003)
关键词 合作采购 数量折扣 EOQ 供应链协调 joint procurement quantity discounts EOQ supply chain coordination
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