新型全自动血细胞分析仪Sysmex xe-2100(Toa medical Electronics,kobe,Japan)采用流式细胞分类技术并综合特殊试剂系统(STROMA-TOLYSER)进行白细胞和有核红细胞(NRBC)计数。Sysmex xe-2100的技术性能符合美国NCCLS H20-A标准,其白细胞五分类结果与手工参考方法的技术结果有很好的相关性。其中,中性粒细胞,淋巴细胞,和嗜酸性粒细胞记数结果的相关系数是r=0.925,0.922,0.877;单核细胞和嗜碱性粒细胞技术结果的相关系数分别为r=0.756,0.763;对于大于1%的异常白细胞的识别,XE-2100为83%;对有核红细胞的计数,自动化分析仪和显微镜计数结果的相关性非常好(r=0.97)〔1〕。可见,Sysmex xe-2100所使用的新的白细胞分类技术代表了新的二十一世纪血液分析发展方向。
The new hematology analyzer Sysmex xe-2100( TOA Medical Electronics, Kobe, Japan )has a novel, combined, white blood cell differential , echnology and a special reagent system to enumerate nucleated red blood cells. Performance evaluation f both technologies of the Sysmex xe-2100 according to the H20-A protocot of the National Committee for Clinical and Laboratory standards. Five-part white blood cell differential counts on the xe-2100 revealed excellent correlation with the manual reference method for neutronphils, lymphocytes, and ecsinophils (r=0.925,0.922, and 0.877, repectively ) and good correlation for monocytes and basophils(r= 0.756, and 0.763, respectively ). The efficiency rates of flagging for the presence of≥ 1% abnormal white blood cells were 83%. The correlation of antomated and microscopic nucleated red blood cell counts was excellent (r=0.97). From the present evaluation and ur former experience with other types of Sysmex analyzers,we conclude that the new white blood cell differential technology of the xe-2100 represents a further development toward more efficient flagging of abnormal white blood cells.
Laser Journal