Aim: To observe the expression of lymphocyte voltage-gated K^+ channel (Kvl.3) and intermediate-conductance calcium-activated K^+ channel (IKCal) in experimental allergic neuritis (EAN) rats and its correlations with cellular/humoral immunity. Methods: EAN was induced in Lewis rats with bovine peripheral myelin (BPM) and clinical severity was assessed. On day 9, 16, 23 and 30 post immunization, we evaluated the expression of mRNA for Kvl.3 and IKCal in lymphocytes from inguinal lymph nodes and spleens, the dividing cell proportions of two kinds of lymphocytes in different culture conditions, and the levels of anti-BPM antibodies. Bivariate correlations mRNA expression of lymphocyte K^+ channels was were performed in statistical analysis. Results: The closely correlated with the capacity of lymphocyte proliferation but had little correlation with EAN clinical severity, which was able to reflect the cellular immunity status of EAN on certain extent. Conclusions: Lymphocyte K^+ channels may be a potential therapeutical target in autoimmune diseases mediated by cellular immunity.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Neurosciences