
一种改进的Chord路由算法 被引量:10

Improvement of Chord routing algorithm
摘要 如何有效地确定存储给定数据项的节点在P2P中非常重要。Chord是一种比较成功的P2P路由算法,但是Chord的路由表存在严重的信息冗余。提出了一种对Chord的改进算法,继承了Chord算法简单、高效、可靠、负载平衡及开销少的优点,对Chord的路由表提出了改造,增加了路由表中的有效信息,提高了查询效率。 Routing is essential in P2P applications, and it is very important to locate the nodes that contain given data items. Chord is a successful routing algorithm, but the routing table in Chord has a terrible problem of information redundancy. To address this problem, an improved Chord algorithm was proposed which inherited the advantages of Chord, such as simplicity, efficiency, reliability, load balance and low cost. The routing table was improved to gain more useful information and get higher efficiency.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期918-921,925,共5页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 哈尔滨工业大学校基金资助项目(HIT.2001.AEAQ18000103)
关键词 Peer-to—Peer 分布哈希 路由 CHORD Peer-to-Peer distributed Hash table routing Chord
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