
《呻吟语》:吕坤人生感悟及其民本思想的集中体现 被引量:1

<Moaning Words>: The Central Embodiment of Lu Kun's Life Realization and People-being-the-foundation Thought
摘要 吕坤是明后期著名的思想家、哲学家和政治家,长期在地方和中央任职。《呻吟语》是其众多著述中的一种,旨在探讨人生哲理。该书共分礼、乐、射、御、书、数六卷,涉及宇宙、自然、人性、命运、修身、治学、品德、治道、人情、物理等多方面内容,具有深邃的思想性和哲理性,充满智慧之光。在该书中,吕坤提出民是国之根本,是国家赖以生存的衣食之源;民重于君,应体察民众的冷暖疾苦,减轻民众负担。这种民本主义观点,具有早期启蒙思想的色彩,对后世产生了深远影响。吕坤不仅有着强烈的经世济民思想,还努力将之付诸施政之中,以收一时之成效。这在明王朝国势衰微、大厦将倾的时代背景下,尤为难能可贵。 Lu Kun was a famous thinker, philosopher and statesman in the later period of Ming dynasty and acted as an official in local and central governments, 〈 Moaning Words 〉 was one of his works, the purpose of which lies in exploring llfe philosophic theory. That book consists of six volumes, i.e. rite, music, shooting, driving, writing and mathematics concerning many contents such as space, nature, human nature, lot, conducting oneself, doing scholar research and moral research, human feelings, innate laws of things, which have deep thought and philosophical nature and are full of wisdom. In that book, Lu Kun put forward that people are the root of the state and the sources of clothes and food upon which the state lives; common people are more important than the lord; it is importarnt to examine people's living conditions and decrease the burden of the masses. Such views of people - being - the - foundation principle have the color of early period' s enlightening .thought that deeply affected the thought of following generations. Lu Ktm not only had the strong thought of managing the world and helping people, but also did his best to put his thought into practice so as to get the result for the time being. Such thought was particular valuable in the declining time of Ming dynasty.
作者 张民服
出处 《郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第2期108-112,共5页 Journal of Zhengzhou University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 河南省哲学社会科学规划重大项目<中原文化通史>阶段性成果。项目号:豫宣文[2005]36号
关键词 吕坤 《呻吟语》 精神文化遗产 Lu Kun 〈 Moaning Words 〉 heritage of spiritual culture
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  • 1.明史[M].北京:中华书局,1974..
  • 2吕坤.呻吟语[M].《四库全书》本.
  • 3吕坤.实政录[M].《续修四库全书》本.
  • 4吕坤.去伪斋文集[M].《四库全书存目》本.
  • 5.明神宗实录[M].,万历二年十二月壬子..





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