

Research on Fuzzy Controllers with Modifying Factors for Active Magnetic Bearings
摘要 结合主动磁力轴承(AMB)自身特性和性能需要,提出了一种拟合修正因子模糊控制器设计方法.采用单纯形法对4修正因子模糊控制器的4个修正因子进行优化,以使改进的ITAE性能指标最小.在拟合修正因子模糊控制器中,采用一个3阶多项式对优化得到的4个修正因子运用最小二乘法进行逼近,且不再对输入和输出进行量化处理.仿真结果表明拟合修正因子模糊控制器能得到很好的控制效果,有效地改善磁力轴承的动态性能和稳态性能. A fuzzy control scheme with a fitted modifying factor was proposed according to inherent characteristics and performance requirement of active magnetic bearings (AMB). In order to minimize the value of the improved Integral time multiplied absolute error(ITAE) performance index, the simplex method was used to optimize the fuzzy controller with 4 modifying factors. For the fuzzy controller with a fitted modifying factor, a thlrd-order polynomial was used to approximate the former four modifying factors, without the quantization of input and output variables. Simulation results show that, using the proposed fuzzy controller with a fitted modifying factor, the dynamics and steady state performances are improved efficiently.
出处 《中国矿业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期409-413,共5页 Journal of China University of Mining & Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50375113) 湖北省自然科学基金项目(2005ABA282) 教育部科学技术研究重点项目(03121)
关键词 主动磁力轴承 模糊控制 修正因子 拟合修正因子 AMB fuzzy control modifying factors fitted modifying factors
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