The updated Livermore Opacity tables (OPAL) and the corresponding abundallce data have been used ot compute the non-conservatioll evolutionary models of three population I stars with different initial mass. A detailed comparison between the OPAL and previous Los Alamos Opacity (LAOL) results have been made. our main results are: (1) The use of OPAL produces appreciable changes in the HR diagrams for low-, intermediate-mass, and massive stars. In all cases, the tracks shift to significantly lower luminosity and effective temperature with respect to those by the old LAoL models. (2) The lifetimes in the H and He burning phases have increased greatly. (3) For low mass stars, the size of the convective core and H-burning core is smaller. While for intermediate mass and massive stars, their convective and burning core are slightly larger. (4) The Tc-pc relation is insensitive to the differences in opacity tables.