AIM: To evaluate the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in rat isolated Kupffer cells (KCs) stimulated by Leptospira interrogans and Borrelia burgdorferi. METHODS: Rat Kupffer cells were separated by perfusion of the liver with 0.05% collagenase, and purified by Percoll gradients. Pudfied Kupffer cells were tested in vitro with alive L.interogans and B. burgdorferi preparations. The production of ROS was determined by chemiluminescence, whereas iNOS protein expression was evaluated by Western blot assay using anti-iNOS antibodies. RESULTS: B. burgdorferi and to a less extent L. interrogans induced ROS production with a peak 35 min after infection. The chemiluminescence signal progressively diminished and was undetectable by 180 min of incubation. Leptospirae and borreliae induced an increased iNOS expression in Kupffer cells that peaked at 6 hours and was still evident 22 h after infection. CONCLUSION: Both genera of spirochetes induced ROS and iNOS production in rat Kupffer cells. Since the cause of liver damage both in leptospiral as well as in borrelial infections are still unknown, we suggest that leptospira and borrelia damage of the liver can be initially mediated by oxygen radicals, and is then maintained at least in part by nitric oxide.
瞄准:为了评估反应的氧种类(ROS ) 和可诱导的氮的氧化物的表示的生产,在老鼠的 synthase (i NOS ) 孤立肾脏钩端螺旋体和包柔氏螺旋体属 burgdorferi 刺激的 Kupffer 房间(KC ) 。方法:老鼠 Kupffer 房间被肝的灌注用 0.05% 胶原酶分开,并且由 Percoll 坡度净化了。净化的 Kupffer 房间是有活着的 L 的测试在试管内。interogans 和 B。burgdorferi 准备。ROS 的生产被化合光决定,而 i NOS 蛋白质表达式被西方的污点试金用 anti-iNOS 抗体计算。结果:B。burgdorferi 并且到一更少的程度 L。interrogans 与一座山峰导致了 ROS 生产在感染以后的 35 min。化合光信号日益增多地减少了并且由孵化的 180 min 是无法发现的。Leptospirae 和 borreliae 在在 6 个小时达到顶点并且仍然是明显的 Kupffer 房间导致了增加的 i NOS 表情在感染以后的 22 h。结论:螺旋菌的两个类在老鼠 Kupffer 细胞导致了 ROS 和 i NOS 生产。自从在 leptospiral 以及在 borrelial 感染的肝损坏的原因,仍然是未知的,我们建议那螺旋体和肝的包柔氏螺旋体属损坏能被氧激进分子开始调停,并且然后被氮的氧化物部分地至少维持。
Supported by MIUR, PRIN 2003 to R.C.